Pinched Nerve

Pinched Nerve

PINCHED NERVE? TRY FLOSSING Not the dance, and no not your teeth, but flossing your nerves. Yup, that’s right, we actually have the ability to floss the nerves within our extremities. We all know that your joints move and your muscles contract and stretch. But did you...
Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing

DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING. SO WHAT? The ability to breathe is obviously important. However, what if I told you that a large portion of the population have dysfunctional breathing patterns? What does this mean? Essentially, a majority of adults happen to breathe with...


Almost everyday, Dr. Brandon and I have patients come in and tell us that they have arthritis and attribute that directly to their pain. While that is possible, more often than not arthritis is not the main cause of our patients’ pain. Yes, you heard that right, just...
Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines

HEADACHES AND MIGRAINES. WHAT IN THE HEAD, IS GOING ON? Headaches are extremely common in our day to day lives. There are many types of headaches, including migraines, tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and many sinister reasons. Luckily the most common...
Tendinosis Versus Tendinitis

Tendinosis Versus Tendinitis

ANOTHER HEEL PAIN GENERATOR Almost everyone in this day and age has heard of the term Achilles tendonitis or Achilles tendinosis; however just because we’ve heard of it or thought we’ve dealt with it in the past, it doesn’t necessarily mean we truly know what it is....